Frequently asked questions



Our casual classes cost $22

We offer Class Pass packages:
4-Class Pass: $70
8-Class Pass: $120
12-Class Pass: $150
All of these have a one month expiry!

How long do class passes last for?

Designed for students who like to come to multiple different classes per week; all the class passes last for exactly one month from your date of purchase (e.g if a class pass is bought on the 15th of March, it will expire on the 15th of April).

Can i extend my class pass usage?

We only allow extensions for class passes is if there was a medical emergency where you were physically unable to attend the class before the expiry date.

We do not give extensions if the class you intended to attend was not scheduled for that particular week and/or if you are going on a trip/vacation, etc.

This is company policy and cannot be changed. It states on the student form that it is the student’s responsibility to use their class pass before the written expiry. We will not accept rude behaviour from students about this matter.

Can i use my class pass on multiple classes?

Yes! We always encourage students to try different classes and expand their skills, hence class passes can be used on multiple classes throughout the week, be it K-Pop, Choreo or Popping.

Do I have to book a spot in the class to attend?

All of our classes are walk in. You do not need to book beforehand to guarantee a spot in the class. Just walk in, pay for the class and dance your heart out!

When is the studio available to hire?

The studio (Both Studio Luna and Sol) are available to hire on weekdays and weekends. Studio 1 and 2 is only available before class on weeknights (4pm to 6pm) and at any time on the weekend. Check out our Calendar for specific slots and click onto Studio Hire for more information.

May I please have the video of the class?

We upload all our class videos onto our Facebook Groups: Kpop Dance Classes @ Ardence Studio and Ardence Studio Classes. If you would like the video for yourself, please ask the teacher of the class you attended and they will try to get the video to you ASAP. We ask for your patience as we have a lot of videos to edit!

Can i use my class PASS on the date of expiry?

Yes, you may use your class pass on the date of expiry. If there is a class on the 15th of March and that is the date your class pass expires, you are still able to use it for that day.

Do I need dance experience to attend A class?

No, you do not need previous dance experience to attend a class at Ardence Studio. We encourage putting yourself out there and taking the first step to start learning dance, everyone starts somewhere! If you ever get lost or have a question, put your hand up during a class and the teacher will be more than happy to help.

How do I contact you for an Enquiry?

Our best form of contact is through our email, that you can find on the Contact us & Book page -
However, you can also send a message to our Facebook page - Ardence Studio and we will try our best to get back to you as soon as possible.